Andrei Cala - Build businesses and enable leaders


Build businesses and enable leaders

I invest my time and money to build businesses and enable leaders.

I’m passionate about starting and buying businesses, finding the right people and shaping meaningful businesses.


Happy young entreprenEurs

I believe being happy with yourself and finding meaning in the work you’re doing are the two most important things in life. Owning equity makes the top three also.

So doing your own thing and making money is every kid’s dream I think. It certainly was mine.

And there may be too many selfie taking, lambo renting, insta famous people desperately looking for happiness.

We end up looking up to unauthentic role models and miss the whole point. We spend too much time feeling insecure, disconnected and without meaning.

We need to enable a new reality.  We need to build businesses on the things that give us meaning and make us happy.



More about me

Meaningful Work

I believe you can create any life you dream of, proportional to the amount of work you’re willing to put in.

As a kid, I’ve always looked for meaning and wanted to learn as much as possible as fast as possible.

I skipped school and read hundreds of books that felt right to me. Attended seminars where everyone was at least twice my age and built my education on what made sense to me, not on what school told me.

Experienced some hardcore stuff like Mount Kilimanjaro and Ayahuasca. Jumping head first 70 meters in the Corinth channel or finding the balls to speak in front of 400 people at 21.

Started my first business when I was 19. After a few years I left home and ended up in biz dev where I lead a team of more than 50 people. I was 23 and making senior executive money.

Burned out, came back home and started investing my time and money in business I like and I have equity in. I still get burned out, but at least I own my own stuff now. 🙂

Best of all, I’ve learned that there’s wisdom to be found in the simple, less ‘hardcore self growth’ moments.

In the uneventful day to day. In meeting random people and traveling alone. Asking your mum and dad about your childhood. Just spending a day with friends, without an agenda.

Best of all, showing up every day and putting in the work that you find meaningful and makes you happy.